Sunday, February 25, 2018

We Draw Lines

written by D.

Is morality manifest 
merely by man?

Invisible, yet indivisible, 
living systems all exist.
If it weren’t for the 
omnipotent torch, 
I would not be aware 
of the swirling current. 
Tiny flying insects 
swarming about 
in synchronized whirls; 
gyroscopic brilliance.
Past noting their presence, 
there’s a moments’ flash, 
a fleeting thought 
of destroying the whole. 
It’s gone with the passing winds, 
this passing thought-
the one guilty,
and wafting overhead
all others -
(at least, by their own sight).

All life 
is not 
held as high.
… . and we,
…  we draw lines.
The choice is where
I might hold mine,
And what wings flitter
either side.

I nurture life in the petal-graced pots, 
where Gardenias gracefully grow; 
placed in the open, to soak in the Sun.

               …and what of the grass beneath it?
Smothering that life away, 
and any creeping thereon.
I choose the potted queen 
of sweet ascetics, 
perfumer of lawns,
over the lowly blades.

All life 
is not 
held as high.
… . and we,
…  we draw lines.
The choice is where
I might hold mine,
and whose roots 
and vines
grow upon 
the other side.

Heirarchies are
born by lines.
(lines drawn
by influence,
and tradition)
Rigidity and stability,
inherent inheritability.

All life 
is not 
held as high.
… . and we,
…  we draw lines.
The choice is where
I might hold mine, 
and who dwells upon
the other side.

Your faltering line
deposits filth
upon mine.
Lightly dusted
in soot
and grime.
I must wipe 
it away
(from me
& my mind).
Making sure 
to keep intact
that which crosses
over yours.

One act
I may find natural
others will deplore;
yet, the more I learn,
the more it shifts,
from where it was before.

One would likely lay down
their life for that
of a baby -
what of a dog?
a cat?
a squirrel?
a rat?
a blade of grass?
a vulture
a gnat?

Yet, any artist
may deny
nature holds
a single line.
The owners’
are the only place
they really lie.

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